New Chief taking role step by step
In less than six months being the new Chief of Dakota Tipi First Nation, Dave L. Pashe is working to keep up with his campaign promises. The love he has for the community shows as he takes steps to unite the people. more

New Council sworn in front of packed hall
The Community Planning has taken place in our First Nation for fifteen months and now is ready for the next step. The next step includes the vision and mission workshop in one session, then the discussion of the development plan in another. After this gathering, another date will be set to present the plan. more

Comprehensive Community Planning Approach and Benefits
Comprehensive community planning is the process of planning in a way that addresses all the critical attributes of the community as a whole: governance, infrastructure and facilities, health, education, natural resources and human resources, cultural and social issues. The process is – and must be -- out and out controlled and motivated by the members of the community. more